The All-Wales AHP Festival of Innovation - Day One

Innovation and Transformation

Welcoming words from:

  • Vaughan Gething AS/MS, Minister for Health and Social Services
  • Ruth Crowder, Chief Allied Health Professions Advisor, Welsh Government
  • Lisa Love-Gould, Chair of the Welsh Allied Health Professions Committee


Advancing Healthcare Awards Meet the Finalists Webinar
The Welsh Government's Award for Prudent Healthcare. We heard from the finalists about their projects, work during COVID-19 and beyond.


COVID-19 Learning
Tom James Assistant Director – Innovation Aneurin Bevan University Health Board


Professions In the Spotlight - video presentations from AHPs across Wales:

Please click on the link below to access the videos

Welsh Gov
Health Education and Improvement Wales

The Advancing Healthcare Awards

The Advancing Healthcare Awards have been running for 16 years and recognise the work of allied health professionals, healthcare scientists and pharmacists and those who work alongside them in support roles, leading innovative healthcare practice across the UK.